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however, is of the sort thatresults in no babies. With a planet headed to a population of over ninebillion by 2040, Weiss, (who is childless,) replica Gucci YA112416 Ladie's watch argues that ones ultimatecarbon offset is to have few or no kids. Which leaves one wondering ifmasturbation is perhaps the greenest of all coital encounters.For the other extreme of carbon love, check out Sex in Space from our December 2006 issue.--Stayton Bonner Paricon Avalanche Circular Sled ($14; available online through Sam's Club)Don’t let the name confuse you.

Ask any serious runner about their favorite piece of running gear and they will likely tell you about their supertechnical shoes, lightweight polarized sunglasses, or distance/calorie/pace trackingstopwatch system. And their running shorts? Shorts are probably the last piece of gear runners think about. The funny thing is you spend just as much time in a pair of shorts as you do in your running shoes, so you want to have shorts that replica Gucci YA115208 Men's watch feel good, fit and perform well. And I have learned the hard way in the past that the right pair of shorts can make a world of difference (bad shorts = chaffing, the bane of any runner’s existence).

Sledding, that noble winter-weekend sport, looks . It’s not. Here are the ten best sleds to do it right (don’t worry, there is still plenty of snow), whether you’re a kid in the Rockies or an over-the-hiller in Flatlandia. (Watch our testing video.)10. TSL Quickie ($9; available at ORS Snowshoes Direct)The Quickie killed the other sleds on replica Gucci YA115206 Men's watch price. Unfortunately, after a few runs by our male testers, it earned the less-than-glowing moniker “The Capital of Thailand.” That said, we were riding it early season on two inches of snow with intermittent saplings spread throughout the testing hill. (Hey, someone has to do it.) But it was fast, and the kids on the hill who borrowed it loved it.9.