
a GREAT play by Lamb (yes he's doing pretty good at first with the glove) to catch a popup

Still throwing a lot of balls 21 pitches 13 balls, replica Rado R13618711 Ladie's watch and a GREAT play by Lamb (yes he's doing pretty good at first with the glove) to catch a popup.The hits are clean singles, by the way nothin ANY fielder coulda caught.Eyre still in Lamb Ks.Musical pitchers wonder why it's been true that this team has hit righties better.Anyway, Munter, a rookie, is in Lane singles.Everett singles.Two on, one out.You know The Rest Of The Story.Viz in to PH he Ks and Lane CS third.Lidge in he needs work, too.Does he EVER.

What has HAPPENED to this guy? BRAAD has turned into brad.First pitch, double to Ray Durham it's hit by the RF bullpen and anyone else woulda had a triple he must be hurting.Ellison bunts, Brad gets to it easily, bobbles it, everyone safe.Vizquel hits a clean RBI single.Feliz Ks.Alou hits a dribbler up the 3rd base line Ensberg replica Rado R20430909 Ladie's watch bobbles it 2 error night for him he's usually got such sure hands, too and Ellison scores.That dude is FAST the only really fast guy on that team.Tucker Ks.Tyler Walker in he's been hit HARD this year, but we go down 1,2,3.Todd Self gets his first ML AB hits it hard to deep center, but in this park, it's an out.So anyway, Husband wins the bet, which is why this entry didn't get written last night…..

They never did that I can remember too busy saying the politically correct crap the media loves to hear you know well, he’ll get a chance to play every day and we know he’ll be an important part of this team in the future.But REAL leaders aren’t afraid of the Big Bad Media they stand up for their guys.And hats off to Lance for doing exactly that.Truth is that SOMEone had to be sent down to re-activate Rick White and Burke is the only guy replica Chopard 278349-3006 watch besides The Saviour who had an option left, and the Organization thinks Palmeiro, a lefty PH who isn’t very good and who is made superfluous by the presence of Lamb, walks on water and talks to God and he wouldn’t be released sent down for anything less than wife beating child molesting.